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2023-04-24 13:14  



Liaoning University 2023 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Application Procedure



Introduction of Liaoning University


Liaoning University is a comprehensive academic higher educational institution in Liaoning Province in the breadth of disciplines offered like Chinese, history, philosophy, economics, law, sciences, engineering, management, medicine and art. It is also one of NationalProject 211key universities and first-class subject universities in China. LNU has actively promoted international education, established two sino-foreign cooperative educational institutions, established long-term and stable cooperative relations with 138 universities and research institutions in 33 countries, and cultivated more than 18000 long-term and 4900 short-term overseas students. LNU carefully built the brand of Confucius Institute, and jointly built Confucius Institutes with Irkutsk State University in Russia and Dakar University in Senegal. Liaoning University welcomes friends from all over the world to come to the university for exchange, further study and degree study.


一、资助对象 Eligibility


Be a non-Chinese citizen;


Be aged between 16 and 35 years on September 1, 2023. The maximum age limit for in-service Chinese teachers may be extended to 45.



Categories And Qualifications



Scholarship for One-Year Study Program


国际中文教育方向,汉语考试成绩达到HSK(三级)270分,具有HSKK成绩;汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到HSK (四级)180分、HSKK(中级)60分;汉语研修方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)210分,提供HSKK成绩者优先。

The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.

Applicants of international Chinese language education programs shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required. Applicants of Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, or Chinese philosophy programs shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Applicants of Chinese language study programs shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3), and priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.


Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program

2023年9月、2024年3月入学,资助期限为5个月。不录取护照上有X1、X2签证者。国际中文教育、汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到HSK(三级)180分,具有HSKK成绩;中医、太极文化方向,具有HSK成绩,同时提供 HSKK成绩者优先。

The program commences either in September 2023 or March 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible. Applicants of international Chinese language education, Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, or Chinese philosophy programs shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required. Applicants of traditional Chinese medicine or Taiji culture programs are required to provide HSK test scores, and priority will be given to those who also provide an HSKK test score.


Scholarship for Four-Week Study Program


The program commences either in July or December 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four weeks. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible.

Applicants of Chinese language study, traditional Chinese medicine, Taiji culture, or Chinese language plus homestay with a Chinese family program are required to provide an HSK test score. The program may be organized and applied for by a Recommending Institution with 10-15 participants per group. Before the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with the Host Institution(s) and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for review and approval.


Short-term Featured Programs of Liaoning University


According to the scholarship types, we have designed the following featured programs.



Project 1: “Weaving your dream -- experiencing China”, a four-week program


Objectives: Creating a bond to China , learning a Chinese art, and participating in a series of cultural activities. Enable students to not only gain in language learning, but also participate in Chinese family activities.

It is an effective way to achieve cro-cultural communication, also known as the “111”Project.



Project 2: “Pursuing the dream -- knowing China”, a one-semester program


Objectives: Developing a friendship with China , learning two Chinese art forms, reaching the Level 3 of HSK, and mastering four dimensions of language skills, also known as the1234Project.



Project 3: “Realizing the dream -- perceiving China”, a one-year program


Objectives: Building a tight bond to China, learn two Chinese art forms, participating in three featured activities, mastering four dimensions of language skills, and reaching Level 5 of HSK, also known as the12345Project.



Scholarship Details and Standards



The scholarship includes tuition, accommodation, living expenses (excluding four-week trainees), and comprehensive medical insurance.



The tuition fee is coordinated by our school for the cultivation and management of scholarship students, cultural activities, and the organization of Chinese language exams.


Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of our school to provide students with in-campus apartments (usually double rooms). Students may also live off-campus upon application and getting permission from our school. Students who live off-campus are entitled to accommodation allowance of 700 CNY per person/month paid on a monthly basis from our school.


Living allowance is granted by host institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for one-academic-year study students and one-semester students is 2,500 CNY per person.


Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the host institutions in accordance with relevant regulations of studying in China stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. Insurance fee per person is 160 CNY for four-week study students, 400 CNY for one-semester students, and 800 CNY per year for students engaged in program longer than one academic year.



Application Procedures and Application Deadlines



Online registration will be available from March 1, 2023 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (http://www.chinese.cn). You may search for Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions; submit application materials online; and track the application process. The successful applicant must confirm with the Host Institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out the scholarship certificate online, and register at the Host Institution on the designated date as per the Letter of Admission.


截止日期 (以北京时间为准):

Application Deadlines (Beijing Time):


For programs commencing in July 2023, applicants must complete their applications by April 15;


For programs commencing in September 2023, applicants must complete their applications by May 15;


For programs commencing in December 2023, applicants must complete their applications by September 15;


For programs commencing in March 2024, applicants must complete their applications by November 15.



List of Application Materials



A scanned copy of the passport photo page;


A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK/HSKK tests (within the two-year validity);


A reference letter by the head of the Recommending Institution;


In-service Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment and a reference letter from the employer;


Applicants under 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.


七、注意事项 Notes



Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be processed.


Applicants will be disqualified from application in case of fraudulent application materials or application materials are completed and submitted by someone else.  


Scholarship winners who cannot register with the host institutions on time should inform the host institution about the reasons in written form within 15 days before the admission date. For those who do not register as requested without reason, the scholarship will be canceled.   


Scholarship will be canceled for those who do not pass the admission physical examination, drop out, or take schooling suspension during the study.


八、联系方式  Contact Details


邮编(Zip code):110036




网址(Website): http://ci.lnu.edu.cn  



Office of Confucius Institute AffairsLiaoning University





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